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Monday, November 4, 2013

Fast Weight Loss

Everyone seems to have a miracle answer for fast weight loss. However, few seem to ever really work. Are you wondering what the real problem is?

Problem #1: An Overburdened Liver

Let's face it. Your liver is tired, and your inability to enable fast weight loss has been hampered. So, what can you do?

You need to give your detox center a break from its incessant cleansing duties, and let it rest and heal. The first step is to take in more raw and organic foods. The foods you eat today are processed, packaged and literally filled with harmful impurities that clog up your liver, your arteries, and your fat cells. And, your weight loss goals are suffering because of it. Fast weight loss is an art, and to master it you need to make smart lifestyle choices.

Problem #2: Stagnant Fat Cells

You've now learned how harmful poor choices can be on your digestive system, but what is that doing to your fat cells and your fast weight loss goals?

I'll tell you what it's doing. Its bloating your fat cells, ruining their inter-cellular communication, and killing your fast weight loss goals. You can cure this, but you have to start your full body detox regimen immediately. This means, dropping the fast food from your diet, buying organic, eating lots of fiber, drinking lots of water, body wrapping your skin and troubled fat areas, and exercising at least twice a week.

If you follow these steps, in two weeks you will have more energy, a healthier body, and most of all, you will have some FAST weight loss.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Great Weight Loss Advice

Emotions And Weight Loss

Can Negative Emotions and Judgment Really keep me fat?

When I was just beginning my career as a personal trainer, life coach and teacher I was under the impression like most that if you try harder you will get the results you want. After years in the profession and a master degree in psychology I began to see that working with emotion and negative thoughts was not a addition to a weight loss and fitness program it was the essential element.

The defense needs toxins to create a way to shield itself from the outside world. And the fat is then used to hold the system in place.

As I began to understand with my clients, they could push real hard with their diets and workouts and reduce the swelling of the fat cells only to leave the guardians needing to swell up more fat cells to keep them in place. I worked with advanced programs where we both reduced the fat and cleansed the body of toxins. This would work with great effort for some time, but it wasn't until the introduction of the Power back Tool and the other tools of the Art of Weight Loss that results came and lasted.

The fat in the human body is not a bad thing in fact it has many uses beside being and insulator, energy storer and a connective tissue. The problem comes in when the cells intelligence calls for more and more fat. Why? It is what we just learned to protect itself from more emotional and mental abuse. Pretty smart cells.

"Fat is not laid down when there is a surplus available and stored passively until it is needed; rather it is constantly being stored in and released from each cell." Wikipedia

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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Lose Pounds Fast With a Healthy Weight Loss Guide

Get Everything You Need With A Healthy Weight Loss Guide

First of all, there is something that I need to get off my chest. I need to tell you that weight loss doesn't have to be the impossible task that it is made out to be. It really doesn't. In fact, losing pounds fast can actually be very simple. However, there is one small catch.

If you want to go about losing weight smoothly then there is one thing that you must have readily available. And that is a healthy fat loss guide. The reason why you need to find a reliable healthy weight loss guide is because it offers everything you need to know about losing those pounds.

Now, you might be thinking to yourself, "Couldn't I just find all of the information myself?". And the answer to that question is yes. You can attempt to find all of the necessary information for losing weight fast and healthy on your own using the internet. But, there are many disadvantages to doing this. First of all, trying to find everything by yourself is going to take dozens of hours of tedious research. So, if you want to be able to get all of the important fat loss information by yourself then you need to have a lot of time set aside in order to do so. And secondly, most of the information that you will come across will not be very useful. There is a lot of crappy information to go through on the internet making it very hard to find what really matters.

Listen, if you are truly serious about getting healthy and getting slim then you seriously need to consider investing in an honest guide to losing weight healthily. There are many aspects of losing fat that you need to be familiar with when going through the process yourself and there is no better of doing this than by having a reliable guide readily available at your fingertips.

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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Great Weight Loss Advice

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Free Weight Loss Workout Program - Give This a Try!

Finding a free weight loss workout is a rarity these days. The workouts that claim to be "free" just use the term as a marketing gimmick to draw your attention in an attempt to sell you something. Well, this one is the real deal and it's designed by yours truly - a certified personal trainer with over a decade of experience.

First off - before I write out the program - I should first mention that it's a "circuit workout" which means that you'll be performing a circuit of exercises, back-to-back without a rest interval between sets. This type of format has been proven - time and time again - to be the most effect method to burn fat. So, with that being said, here it is, your free weight loss workout. Before you begin, I should mention that it's always recommended that you consult with a physician before starting a new exercise program.

Free Weight Loss Workout

Bench Step Ups (hold dumbbells to increase the difficulty)

Push Ups

Seated Rows

Standing Dumbbell Press

Standing Dumbbell Curls

Lying Triceps Extensions (use either a curl bar or dumbbells)

Repeat that circuit a total of 3 times and remember, you're not supposed to be resting in between sets. I'd also recommend that you start the workout off with 15 minutes of cardio and once the resistance training circuit is completed 3 times, you then finish off with another 15 minutes of cardio. You can use the piece of equipment of your choice. Treadmills and elliptical trainers would be the best options.

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